dimanche 28 août 2011

New BlackBerry Smartphones Expected in 2011

It's often said that past precedent is the best indicator of future performance and over the past couple of years the varying BlackBerry device form factors and product families have become well established. The Bold, Curve and Pearl families are now staples that span both GSM and CDMA carriers around the globe, and we've seen Torch, Storm and Style devices be used as carrier exclusives in the USA and also get rolled out internationally. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out RIM's next product cycle will mainly involve upgrades within each of these existing product lines. 
The main contention coming into the next generation of BlackBerry Smartphones we will see roll out in 2011 is what operating system the devices will utilize. With the BlackBerry PlayBook tablet using the QNX-based BlackBerry Tablet OS and RIM's Co-CEO saying that you will (at some point) see QNX on BlackBerry Smartphones, the hope/possibility existed that QNX could be on the next BlackBerry you run out and buy. That question has now been answered, and the answer is the traditional BlackBerry OS will endure at least a little longer in the form of BlackBerry 6.1, which brings with it a number of new features. We'll talk more on BlackBerry 6.1 more later.
On the hardware side, 2011 will finally see RIM roll out much needed upgrades, bringing forth faster processors, HD video recording, 3D graphics support to new GSM devices, higher resolution displays and memory upgrades. We'll also see the company embrace NFC this year (helping your BB work with accessories or basically allowing you to use your phone as a credit card). Good stuff all around.
So while the operating system improvements will mainly be incremental in 2011, these will by far be the best BlackBerry Smartphones ever built.  

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